Although i did choose mechanical systems as it it a weak area in my audit, as a starting point in my learning i think i need to establish what i know about mechanical systems. Doing this will be a good way to assess where i am in my knowledge and a way forward. 
  • Input and output -From S1 using a systems approach, my understanding of a system is it involves an input-process-output.  i think a mechanical system must involve this process. 
  • Moving parts-  I am sure that a mechanical system must involve moving parts as mechanical makes me think of machinery or series of parts performing a desired movement to perform a function. 
  • Words such as coggs, wheels and gears also spring to mind when i think of this subject but nothing beyond this. 
Ok, so what now? where do i start? 

I surprisingly was able to conjure up some information regarding this subject, however at this stage i am not sure that these pre conceptions are even accurate. However i have given myself an area of investigation and some keywords to look up.  

The first stage i set out for myself in my l'Learning goals' is to Understand what a mechanical system is. Bit how am i going to understand this? where will i get the information from to start my learning? 

My initial thoughts on how i am going to start this off would be to access the following sources; 
  • Internet (Search engines, websites, articles, forums, social networking) - I am very comfortable with using the internet and feel it is quick way of accessing large amounts of information.
  • Books (Library, my revision guides)
  • Ask someone (Tutor, peers)